Chris Masterjohn explains fats and cholesterol in relational to heart disease

Chris Masterjohn presents at the Ancestral Health Symposium that it is the oxidation of the lipids and cholesterol that is what is damaging to heart disease.

Lipids gets oxidized and LDL goes from large fluffy to the more dangerous small dense type as they stay in the blood longer and more likely to get oxidized. Why causes the lipids to stay in the blood? Because the LDL receptors of the cells are not taking them up fast enough or low thyroid hormones.

He says that having nutritional abundance would offset the oxidation process.

The difference between relative versus absolute risk reported in studies

New reports often reports the relative risk or benefits between two groups (say a control group versus treatment group).   This number is usually deceptively higher than the absolute risk or benefit.

What is the difference between relative risk versus absolute risks? has a good explanation.   Suppose that 2 person out of 100 in a control non-treated group ended up with cancer.  And supposed that only 1 person out of 100 in a treatment group ended up with cancer.  Hence the relative risk would be a 50% decrease in breast cancer in the treatment group.  This is arrived at by taking the change and dividing by the initial value:  (2 – 1) / 2 = 0.5 = 50%    This is the number often reported.   Sounds pretty good right?

But consider the absolute risk.   Since the risk of cancer is 2% in the non-treated group, and the risk of cancer in the treated group is 1%, the treatment only reduced the risk from 2% to 1%.  This is only a 1% reduction in absolute risk.  Now it doesn’t sound that great.   This number is arrived at by taking the change in percentage divided by the overall percentage: (2-1)/100 = 0.01 = 1%.

Presentation by Sally Fallon-Morell also gives examples of how distorting the reports of relative risk are.  Video presentation on YouTube.

Tom Naughton is a comedian that did a bit at the Ancestral Health Symposium called “Science for Smart People” in which among the other topics talked about relative risk versus absolute risk…

Video Explaining Why Cholesterol and Saturated Fat do not cause heart disease

Sally Fallon-Morell presents the research of Marg Enig PhD.

The video is called “The Oiling of America” and explains why cholesterol and saturated fats do not cause heart disease. It debunks some of the studies that shows otherwise, including Ancel Keys “Seven Country Study”.

It explains how sometimes studies are either intentionally or unintentionally misleading due to things like “varying the scale”, “relative risk”, and “omitting data”.

It also explain about fats. Some studies lump trans fats with saturated fat. And saturated fats incorrectly get the blame. Trans fats really is bad because of a translocation of an atom which creates dead spots in the electron cloud and hindering cellular reactions. Polyunsaturated fats are bad because they break upon heat and causes uncontrolled reactions (inflammation).

Mark Sisson Talks about Health and High Intensity Exercise

Dr. Mercola interviewed Mark Sisson who own the site which features a community forum and is among the top well-visited health site on the net.

Mercola starts asking about how Mark got such traffic.

Mark used to be a world class athlete and exercise that he recommends is high-intensity body weight bearing exercises. He likes the pushups. It is possible to over-train. And many elite athletes have decreased health due to excessive oxidative stress and the high carbs that they are eating.

His recommended diet would be categorized as “Paleo Diet” type. He says that 80% of a person body composition is what one eats. And the remaining 20% is exercise and other lifestyle activities. Note that he says “what” one eats and not how much. Because this type of diet is a low carbohydrate diet. But you can eat as much as you want whenever you want as long as you avoid sugar and processed carbs and wheat, legumes, and dairy. Although he does recommend “intermittent fasting”.

He calls this type of lifestyle “primal” and wrote the book “The Primal Blueprint”

His other books are “The Primal Blueprint 21-Day Total Body Transformation” and a cookbook …

There is a free 92-page eBook called “Primal Blueprint Fitness” if you subscribe to his newsletter by putting in your email on his site.

Doug McGuff talks about High Intensity Exercise

Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Doug McGuff who is an emergency room physician who does high intensity exercises.

Dr. McGuff explains why high intensity exercise is beneficial and why it is important to allow for enough recovery time.

In another video, you see Dr. McGuff doing some high intensity exercise himself. Warning, this is intense.  After watching you will understand why adequate recovery time is important.

Also watch Dr. McGuff’s talk on “Body by Science” which he explains the science of high intensity exercise and why the paleo diet works.

Dr. McGuff’s book is …

Doctors Treating Autism and ADHD by Balancing Gut Flora

The balances in the gut flora between the good and bad bacteria can affect the brain and causes symptoms such as autism and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.

In YouTube video, Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Natasha’s Campbell McBride who had cured her son of Autism with the “GAPS diet” that she pioneered.

GAPS is “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” and her website is where she has her book which is a self-help book for parents explaining what foods are good and bad for autism.

Parts of the GAPS diet is (1) restricting sugar and carbohydrates, (2) introducing probiotics in the form of fermented foods, (3) and detoxification.

Dr. Mark Hyman explains similar concepts when he gave his talk at Google where he mentioned how helped ADHD boy by correcting diet and other imbalances in gut.