GMO’s role in autoimmunity

People should not be eating GMO foods, especially those with autoimmunity.  Watch Jeffrey Smithf talk in GMO Ticking Time Bomb …

where he explains how GMO soy and corn has genes that were inadvertently turned on that produces more allergens than non-GMO soy and corn.  Furthermore, these GMOs makes digestion of protein slower.

We know that many autoimmune people have allergenic reactions to certain foods and some have sub-optimal digestion of proteins.  GMOs damages the intestinal tract, including possibly causing leaking gut.

If you want to avoid GMO, avoid corn and soy (unless they are certified organic) and products derived from them (high fructose corn syrup, soy lecthin etc).  Get organic meats so that the animals are not eating GMO feed.

Avoid GMO sugar beets and sugar in general.  Use raw organic honey from local farm instead.  Avoid aspartame as well as all artificial sweetener.

Papaya may also be GMO.  Just get organic.

Avoid canola oil and cotton oil.  Livestocks feeding on GMO cotton has seen to die.

Avoid dairy which can contain growth hormones.

Zuccinni and yellow squash should also be brought organic.

Here is a reference…

Next Dr. Edward explains how to detox GMOs with some products here

I’m not saying pesticides on food is good, but between avoiding GMOs and avoiding pesticides, I would say avoiding GMOs would be a higher priority.  There was a study where one group of mice was feed GMO potatoe, another group feed potato with pesticide but no GMO, and third group organic potatoes.  The mice eating the GMO potatoes died, while all the other lived.