Some collection of funny signs found on the Internet.
This sign says …
“Please don’t throw your cigarette ends on the floor, the cockroaches are getting cancer.”
Now we don’t want that, do we?
Apparently, they don’t mind having cockroaches on the floor. But cigarettes, they mind.

This sign says …
“Employees motorcycle parking only”
I see that someone brought in their tricycle with a blue horn. I wonder how old are the employees that work here.

Here is a sign that states main entrance goes straight. But fat sheeps go to the left. I didn’t know that sheeps can read. And why does the sign call them fat.

This sign says …
“warning: children left unattended will be so to the circus.”
I guess they need people for the circus.
This sign says …
“Please do not put hands in the water. You scare the lobsters!”
I’m guessing these are lobsters in a restaurant to be eaten. So we don’t want to have to eat scared lobsters.
I wouldn’t want to put my hands in there anyways. Their claws are bigger than mine.
This sign says …
“Do not stand, sit, climb or lean on fences. If you fall, animals could eat you and that might make them sick.”
Not only do we not want to scare the lobster, we don’t want to make the animals sick when they eat you.
This sign says …
“please do not use this area as a public toilet”
Apparently this particular area is used as a public toilet often enough that this sign has to be placed there.
Suggestion: it would probably help if the municipality put in a public toilet nearby.
This church is going high-tech.
It says …
“wireless access to God with no roaming fee.”
With many places offering free WiFi these days, some churches are too.
What is that sign supposed to mean?
Apparently the sign does not know either.
This sign shows a person breaking into a car — with a red slash across it.
For those who may not know, that means: “do not break into cars“.
This sign shows a car with a cow.
I don’t know if it is the car that hit the cow or the cow is eating the car.
Look at these two signs. It shows that Cemetery Drive leads to a dead end. Need I say more?
This sign says …
“We Cheat The Other Guy and Pass The Savings On To You!”
Gee. I’m not sure to say “Thanks” or “No Thanks”.
This traffic signs says “Make Left”. But the arrow is pointing to the right. I guess they meant the other left.
The top sign is supposed to be a speed bump. And the bottom sign is supposed to be bird crossing — or ostrich crossing.
But someone re-drew the top sign to show a dead bird — marking it as “after”. Whereas the standing bird is “before”.
You get the picture.
It is bad enough that the person in the wheelchair is rolling downhill out of control. But it is also about to go into the mouth of an crocodile. Or is that an alligator? Either way, it doesn’t look good.
This sign says …
“Beware of, Well… Just Beware”
Beware of what?
Alright, there is already a sign that says “No Stopping Anytime”. But below that is another one that says …
“Red Zone: Don’t Even THINK of Parking Here”
What kind of restrooms are these?
It says …
“Rest Rooms, Please Fasten Seat Belts and Have a Safe Trip Home”
I guess this should be two separate signs. But then it wouldn’t be funny.
After the fasten seat belt for restroom sign, this next safety sign says …
“For your own safety, please do not climb on the lion.”
Climb on a lion? Don’t worry, I wasn’t planning on it.
This next safety sign says …
“Caution. This sign has sharp edges. Do not touch the edges of this sign.”
Looks like the sign is more dangerous than useful.
Oh wait. There is some fine print at the bottom. It says, “Also, the bridge is out ahead”. And a no-walking and no-car symbols on either side.
This sign says …
“Exit and Pass Out”
I hope not.
This sign point this way to peculiar.
Apparently there is a town called Peculiar Missouri. Now, it is not so funny.
I guess to peculiar is better than to where this sign is pointing to.
If the sign wasn’t there, there wouldn’t be a need for the sign. Would there?